Oh, dear, I was browsing through my posts, and I realized that I had uploaded this graphic because I wanted to participate in this Linky party hosted by: http://www.thirdgradegalore.blogspot.com/, but I never wrote the post. Now that I'm doing Weight Watchers, I have been making healthier food choices - I know why I gained 5 pounds during the first few weeks of summer vacation and why it's taking me so long to lose those pounds.
Any way, here are some healthy tips I have learned along the way:

2. Make your own lunch the night before.
Here are 2 non-food related tips which are very important to me:
3. Pick out your clothes the night before, too. This saves so much time in the morning; this way you can focus on getting ready and out the door ON TIME.
4. Get a Dropbox account. I just found out about Dropbox, and I think it's a genius idea. A Dropbox account is a free and secure file cabinet in cyberspace. You can access your documents from any computer - no more flash drive or lost files. Of course, I still save everything in my computer, too, but I know I have my documents saved in my Dropbox - it's just an added sense of security. To get your own Dropbox, head on over to:
Additionally, if you have any healthy recipes, the Blessed OCDiva is having a recipe Linky party at her blog at: www.theblessedocdiva.blogspot.com/ She would be so delighted if you participated.

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