Five for Friday
I can't believe that it is already Friday!
Here are 5 random events from my week.

We watched the Charlie Brown video about the Pilgrims. I LOVE watching this video because it is historically accurate and funny which makes the kids want to watch it. The video mentions how a main beam of the Mayflower broke and how they Pilgrims fixed it.
In addition, the Pilgrims sign the Mayflower Compact. If you're still studying the
Pilgrims (we'll be finishing up next week), try to watch this video.

In Math, we are diving right into symmetry and congruent shapes. We also started
learning our zero and one times tables which are always fun and easy to remember.

Two extraordinarily generous bloggers each gave me an amazing product from their TPT stores for FREE because I left a comment on their blog. I am so thankful and excited to use these products.
Special thanks go to Amber whose blog is:
Here's the link to the animal lapbook which looks tremendous. You can check it out at her
I also want to thank Jeanette whose blog is:
She has a brand new sports-themed product that you can check out at her TPT store:
I also want to highly recommend these blogs and their respective stores. Please check them out - you will not be disappointed.
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