If you love giveaways like I do, then head on over to Carrie's blog:
She is offering Jamberry Nails, beautiful bracelets from Twisted Owl Designs and two great teacher prize packages.
Now, it's time to link up for a Peek at My Week!
I had my week planned out, but then I won a giveaway from
Here are my exciting prizes:
Arctic Animals Powerpoint presentation and Arctic Animals poems from Jeannine over @ Creative Lesson Cafe.
from Jenn at Teaching in the Tongass:

Now I decided that I'm going to do a chapter in Science on animals.
Here are my exciting prizes:
Arctic Animals Powerpoint presentation and Arctic Animals poems from Jeannine over @ Creative Lesson Cafe.
from Jenn at Teaching in the Tongass:

Now I decided that I'm going to do a chapter in Science on animals.
We have MCAS (state testing) on Wednesday and Thursday. We have been preparing so much and so well, the kids are as ready as they'll ever be.
We working on our hand adjective project. Here are the steps:
1. Make an organizer. On one side, write 5 adjectives that describe you (these adjectives must be "strong" adjectives; we brainstorm a list of possible adjectives before this step; no adjectives like nice, good...).
2. Next to each adjective, give at least 2 reasons to support each adjective.
3. Write a rough draft with a strong beginning.
4. Review rough draft with your Writing Circle (partners) (I got this idea from Jennifer's blog).
5. Write final copy.
6. Trace hand. Write an adjective on each finger. Decorate hand. (The kids are so creative with their drawings.)
7. Share your writing!
If you would like to check out this activity, here's the link:
Best of all, it's FREE!
Have a lucky week!
1. Make an organizer. On one side, write 5 adjectives that describe you (these adjectives must be "strong" adjectives; we brainstorm a list of possible adjectives before this step; no adjectives like nice, good...).
2. Next to each adjective, give at least 2 reasons to support each adjective.
3. Write a rough draft with a strong beginning.
4. Review rough draft with your Writing Circle (partners) (I got this idea from Jennifer's blog).
5. Write final copy.
6. Trace hand. Write an adjective on each finger. Decorate hand. (The kids are so creative with their drawings.)
7. Share your writing!
If you would like to check out this activity, here's the link:
Best of all, it's FREE!
Have a lucky week!
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