Happy Saturday of a long weekend! As always, I look forward to linking up with Doodle Bugs for:
The "Fahrenheit Weather" poem came from Pinterest as did the Clouds poem.
Last week, we dug right into our Weather unit in Science. For once, the weather cooperated! We had a snowstorm over the weekend followed by single digit cold temperature. By Thursday, the temperature was in the 60's!
Making Chains
The kids had a blast making paper chains. The challenge was to make the longest chain using one piece of construction paper. Each chain was totally unique!
You can check out this free activity here.
Change Is Simple Visit
Check out this amazingly fun tent activity from Change Is Simple:
In each tent, there was an adult who guided the group in solving math word problems related to animals who live in that ecosystem! The kids LOVED it! Imagine what else you could do with these tents....
Using the materials from the fun Winter Bundle, each student wrote an informational paragraph/mini-book about different penguins:
First, we drew adorable penguins (click here.) In addition, each student received a list of penguin facts. Plus, Tacky the Penguin is now in our Listening Center, and the kids and their book buddies totally enjoyed this story yesterday!
Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Weekend!

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