More Practical Reading Strategies and a Great Giveaway!

Happy Friday!  Today I'm linking up with Crystal from Teaching Little Miracles for another installment of:

Goal #3:  Supporting Print Work

*Strategy 3.1 Check the Picture for Help

This is an incredibly helpful strategy!  Many picture books contain tricky words - reluctant is a common one - looking carefully at the pictures can definitely help clarify the general meaning of the story.  I emphasize this strategy often during read-alouds.

*Strategy 3.6  Try, Try, Try Again

I often tell my students to go back and reread - I often wonder if they listen to my advice.  This strategy contains an amazing graphic that I had to share.

This is one BIG advantage of having the book - you have access to these great anchor charts - I LOVE this one!

Strategy 3.7 Slow Down the Zoom, Zoom, Zoom to Make Sense

Now this strategy applies to all subject areas!

Goal # 4:  Teaching Fluency

I always tell my students how my younger son had to read a picture book to his class in middle school with expression as well as talking like the characters.  He chose a perfect book (of course, it helped that I had the book at home!):

The importance of the story is that he read the book out loud to me at least 20 times (maybe more) to get the expression and voices just right.  Reading out loud with fluency involves practice reading out loud to whoever will listen.

*Strategy 4.6  Punctuation at the End of a Sentence

I love to practice this strategy while doing choral reading because it's easier for a student to change their voice when they're reading together.

You can about Goals 1 and 2 here.


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 1 x $200 TPT gift card; 1 x $200 Amazon gift card; 1 x $25 Starbucks gift card; and 1 x $15 Starbucks gift card!

REMEMBER: each entry counts as ONE entry ~ the more links you complete, the higher your chances of winning!!

Raffle CLOSES: Saturday, July 21st at 12:00 a.m.

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  1. Hi Susan! Thanks for linking up again. I loved the slow down the zoom zoom strategy too. And you are absolutely right, I find myself saying a version of it in about every subject!


  2. Susan, I liked the strategy in 3.7, too. I also plan to be more intentional with using Strategies 3.5 (Be a Coach to Your Partner) and 3.10 (Juggle All 3 Balls) during our science and history times this coming year. Reading pervades every subject in school and so much more!


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