Make Your Bed Every Day!
Growing up, I was required to make my bed every day - NO EXCEPTIONS (unless I was sick). I still adhere to this rule. I even read that Gretchen Rubin, author of The Happiness Project,
maintains that making your bed is the first thing you can do every day to make yourself happy and feel in control. In addition, Oprah says she cannot get into an unmade bed - she'll make the bed before getting into it. I have even learned to make my bed while my husband is still in it - no excuses for me!
Pick out your clothes the night before
I've done this for as long as I've been making my bed! Of course, growing up, my bedroom was freezing so I tried to get dressed ASAP so I could warm up! Now I pick my clothes out the night before because there's so much to accomplish in the morning - especially if it involves decision-making!
Wear Sunscreen (at least) on your Face Every Day!
I recently read that the best beauty and anti-aging product you can use every day is sunscreen! I've had two MOHS surgeries to remove skin cancer; too many precancerous spots frozen off my face; ... Consequently, I wear sunscreen every day - even in the winter!
Well, that's enough advice for one day! Please let me know if you have any of these happy habits!
Hope you're having a fun-filled summer!

I pick out my clothes the night before religiously... if I don't, it's just too much stress for me in the morning!! Love these tips... thanks for joining my link-up. :)