Wampanoag Morning Message
I write my Morning Messages every day because I use them to reinforce what we're learning in class:
Plus, teaching about Native Americans is one of my favorite part of Social Studies.
Wampanoag Home Site Dioramas
I have to say that this is my absolute favorite project at this time of year:
This is the perfect project for this time of year! On Monday we made the mishoons (canoes); on Tuesday we assembled the wetus (wigwams); and on Wednesday, we put the whole project together! I LOVE using the LED tealights for the fire - too cute! In addition, each student puts his/her own spin on the project so they're all unique creations!
Here are the links if you would like to recreate this project: The template for the wigwam (wetu) can be found here, while the template for the canoe (mishoon) can be found here.
Thankful Turkey Feathers
Every year the kids also enjoy creating a thankful feather to be part of our turkey display in the hall:
This year I got the template for the turkey feathers here, and I really like this template as it has a sentence stem and a place to illustrate your thankfulness! I do love how each feather is a unique creation!
In addition, in the top right of the picture, I'm donning my first pair of LuLaRoe leggings! These leggings were leftover from the 4th of July batch, but I'll be able to wear them all year!
A Successful Thanksgiving Dinner!
This year I managed to cook a delicious 18+ pound turkey with all the delicious side dishes. Now we have LOTS of leftovers, and my husband is already bored of the turkey. Oh, well, I'm hoping that I don't have to cook for the rest of the week! Let him eat turkey!
Space Dome Fun
Our PTO treated us to a fun and educational space dome in-house visit:
You can read more about booking a similar experience here.

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