Happy Weekend everyone! Thank you for popping in for some up-to-the-minute news!
Lovely Landforms!
We've been focusing on landforms. Besides learning the basic landforms, we learn about weathering which is the process of breaking rocks. Of course, living in Massachusetts in the winter, many potholes emerge so I'm always telling the kids to be on the lookout for potholes:
Who knew potholes could be so educational and useful? In addition, looking out for potholes while driving is a life skill ~ after all, kids start learning to drive years before they sit behind the wheel of a car! Think of all the money they could save on replacing the tires on their future cars.
Here's an anchor chart I made:
In addition, we made these fun landform books:
Click here or on the picture to check out this free activity on TPT!
What Students Learn in Social Studies in Kindergarden
I've been participating in an Atlas project for curriculum development for Social Studies. I wrote about my experience in my Morning Message the next day:
During the professional development, I was noting all this information my third graders were supposed to know. The next day, we started with the meaning of the Pledge of Allegiance. At last, I got one student to say it was an oath. My question - "What's an oath?" Student - "It's a promise." That was the beginning and end of what the student knew. Consequently, we went through the Pledge and discussed how it meant we would be loyal to our country and its flag.
I'd love for you to ask your students to see what their answers are ~ especially if they're a bit older. Next week, I'll be reviewing the Pledge of Allegiance question again!
Colorful and Fun Tights
I found these colorful tights at Absolute Socks:
They have so many fun colors ~ also there's a flat shipping rate of $5.00 so I made sure to order several pairs!
I pinned and recreated this anchor chart (of course, I forgot to take a picture of my own creation):
Right now, we're in the early days, but the kids can write and draw a fraction. Next week, we'll be moving forward with comparing fractions with like denominators!
Story Structure Post on Collaborative Blog
Our standards-based report card requires us to assess out students in these two areas:
*Demonstrate an understanding of story structure.
*Determine and summarize important ideas and details of a text.
Click here to get your freebie and click here to read the rest of the post!