Last Week At This Time...
Last Friday, we had a half-day. We all knew we would have the next two weeks off (it's now been extended to three weeks), and I was hoping and encouraging my students to at least read:
Of course, on the way home, one of my students (who shall remain nameless) exclaimed, "I'm not reading at all for the next two weeks." Well, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him or her drink...
Give Me Five Adjectives
During the weeks when life was normal (it seems like forever ago, doesn't it?), my students worked on their "Give Me 5 Adjectives" project. In this project, each student thinks of 5 positive adjectives that describe him/herself as well as two reasons that support the choice of adjectives. You can get this activity for free here.
Check out some of the finished products:

Today's Exciting Highlight...
This morning I headed out to Target to arrive upon opening so that I could purchase some bleach (for laundry purposes only) and paper towels. The great news was that I was able to buy both items. I'm realizing that bleach, toilet paper and paper towels are totally unavailable. I'm just happy to have bleach for my white wash. I don't use bleach to clean ~ except in the bathroom ~ because I tend to get it on my clothes.
Tomorrow (March 21st) is World Down Syndrome Day!
If you need another free activity to celebrate Lots of Socks and World Down Syndrome Day, look no further!
Of course, you can just wear crazy and/or mismatched socks!
Last, but not least...